Fourth Annual Dad's Club Golf Tournament and Fundraiser


Time: Arrive by 5pm with a 5:30pm shotgun start
Date: Friday, November 8, 2024
Where: Mariner's Point Golf Center, 2401 E 3rd Ave, Foster City, CA 94404
Details: Golf round followed by food and no-host drinks afterwards. Entry includes closest to pin and one smack at the long-drive tournament afterwards.
Price: $120 (remember, it's for the kids!)
Add-Ons: Mulligans: $10 each (no maximum)
                  Extra long-drive swings: $5 each (max of 5)
Prizes will be awarded to the winning foursome, closest to pin and long-drive!
Registration is limited to 44 participants.

How Do I Sign-up? 




Any questions? 


Please reach out to Dad's Club Chair, JT Revelo at




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