5th Grade Advancement



We can’t wait to celebrate our special 5th graders and are excited to carry on our many end-of-year traditions to create a fun and memorable final year for our children at Baywood.


Each year, the 5th grade class collects funds to cover end of year promotion activities.  This all-inclusive fund will cover the following: 

  • End of year 5th grade party at Dave & Buster's
  • Yearbook
  • Class T-Shirt
  • Kickball game refreshments
  • Teacher gifts
  • and more!  

We are asking for these funds one time to cover all costs.  This year’s recommended donation amount is $75 per student.  Please donate to this fund - across the District, these expenses are NOT covered in operating budgets. 





5th Grade Advancement Missions:


Promotion Ceremony - Wednesday June 11, 2023

Plans are underway for an in-person, outdoor promotion ceremony on Tuesday, June 11th. Details are still being worked on, but you can plan for a mid to late morning ceremony.  Further communication will be coming.     


End of Year 5th Grade Party 

Plans are underway for an end of year party for 5th grade students during the school day.


Kickball (5th Graders vs Staff)

A 5th grade favorite tradition! Mrs. Driscoll and the 5th grade staff are working hard to plan this event during the school day. All students need to wear their 5th Grade t-shirts that will be distributed at the end of March.


Yearbook Customization - complete by April 15 

Log into TreeRing to customizeyour pages for your child’s yearbook. More details to follow.    


5th Grade Baby Photo Contest

Please dig up those old baby photos and send them our way! 5th graders will have the opportunity to participate in a “Guess the Baby Photo Contest” at the End of Year Party.  Prizes will be awarded for the most correct answers. If you would like to participate, please submit ONE baby photo using the following form.     


Teacher Thank You Notes

Students will each write thank you notes to 3-5 past or present Baywood teachers during the school day.  We will compile them and distribute these special notes to the teachers and staff.


If you have any questions, please reach out to Jocelyn Chang and Elisabeth Loew at 5thGradeAdvance@baywoodpta.org.





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