Room Parents assume a job in their child’s classroom for the duration of the school year. As a Room Parent you are one of a team of parents who work to support your child’s teacher. This essential work done by parents like you is one of the reasons Baywood is an amazing school! Studies have shown that when parents are involved in their student’s education, the student’s school experience is more successful and all students benefit. In addition to the room parent roles listed below, your teacher may have classroom specific positions to add.


The 2023-2024 Primary Room Parent Roles

  • Class Communications & Volunteer Coordinator
  • Class Yearbook & Photo Coordinator
  • Class Gift Procurement Coordinator
  • Class Party Coordinator & Community Builder
  • Teacher's Discretion

Possible Teacher's Discretion Roles

  • Book Order Coordinator
  • Spanish Translator
  • Misc. Roles from Teacher





Any questions, please reach out to the Room Parent Coordinator Purnima Mani at


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