The National Parent Teacher Association's mission is to make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.


The Baywood Elementary School PTA is a dedicated community of parents, faculty and staff who strive to enhance student learning and enrich the lives of our students. Our special community and resources set Baywood apart and we plan to creatively continue that tradition this year.


The Baywood PTA is hard at work to support our children’s education in four critical ways:

  1. Raising funds to bridge the gap between state funding and what’s needed to provide a high quality, well-rounded education 

  2. Funding initiatives that directly support teachers and our children’s education through both distance and in-classroom learning 

  3. Sponsoring key educational programs financially and through volunteer support

  4. Building and fostering our unique community


To learn more what our Baywood PTA is about, watch the video!



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